Work at Betrex

At Betrex we are always looking for new talents to join our team. You can contact us and send us your CV, we will be happy to assess your application and, if we fall in love, find a space in our offices for you.

Información básica en protección de datos.- De conformidad con el RGPD y la LOPDGDD, BETREX ESPAÑA SA tratará los datos facilitados con la finalidad de gestionar los procesos de selección abiertos y facilitarle su posibilidad de participar. Siempre que nos lo autorice, enviaremos información relacionada con la actividad de la entidad. Podrá ejercer, si lo desea, los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, y demás reconocidos en la normativa mencionada. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo estamos tratando sus datos, acceda a nuestra política de privacidad.

* Attach your CV
* I understand and accept the treatment of my data as described.
I UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT the treatment of my data as described above and explained in more detail in the privacy policy. (Your refusal to provide us with an authorization will prevent you from participating in the selection process).
* I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to receive information by personal email about new job offers
I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to receive information by personal email about new job offers from any of the entities that make up the group. (Your refusal to provide us with authorization will make it impossible to notify you about the existence of new positions / vacancies in the entity).
* I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to receive information related to the activity of the entity.
I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to receive information related to the activity of the entity. (Your refusal to provide us with the authorization will imply the impossibility of sending you commercial information by the entity).
* Campos obligatorios
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